Several weeks ago I was asked to be part of the Xterra Wetsuits photo shoot with famed photographer Tim Tadder. It was a really fun experience and my first time doing a studio shoot. After the fact, I had a quick Q&A with Xterra Wetsuits about the shoot and about all things triathlons. Check it out below. Thanks for reading! -HH
What was it like being a part of the Tim Tadder/XTERRA Wetsuits photo shoot?
This was my second
photo shoot with Tim and Xterra Wetsuits and Tim produces some incredible
shots! It comes as no surprise though because he asks a lot from his subjects.
In action shots, he’ll have us repeat the motions over and over again. One
thing’s for certain though, when he says he got his shot, he knows it! That’s
how good he is! Great fun.
What did you like/dislike about shooting in the studio opposed to in the field?
Obviously there’s a
big difference in shooting on location versus in a studio. On location is fun
because you can use the natural elements to your advantage. Shooting early in
the morning as the sun is rising calls for a great back drop. This time around,
there were a ton of athletes at the outdoor shoot so there was definitely some
down time in between shots.

What was the hardest part about the photo shoot experience?
Nothing was too
difficult honestly, but if I had to pick, I would say making sure Tim was
satisfied with what he got. Sometimes he’d get pretty animated, especially at
the outdoor shoot and he’d want you to reproduce over and over again with more
and more intensity. Nonetheless, I saw how hard he worked so I wanted to
As for wetsuit tips, I like trimming the bottoms of the suit legs to allow for quicker T1 times. Also, shoulder flexibility is a big thing when wearing wetsuits so hiking it up a bit helps, but I have to say, Xterra's wetsuits are the most flexible around so most of the time its much ado about nothing!
What are the pros and cons of being a pro triathlete?
question! Sometimes the training can get a bit repetitive and tedious but
living in LA, I have access to myriad roads for riding and trails for running.
Con-- I do a ton of traveling to random and interesting places but I have zero
time before or after a race to "visit" those places. All work and no
play. Pros-- always wanted to be a pro-athlete my entire life. Mission accomplished.
I love avoiding the 9-5 cubicle job, at least for now. And I love testing my
body to the limit. We only live once, so why not?!
What are your top 3 motivators when you train and prepare for an upcoming race?
Apart from pegging certain
competitors, it's a matter of improving upon my last result or even the last
time I raced that race. It's all relative though, because conditions could be
vastly different, competition different, my physical shape could be different. For
me, it comes down to complete and utter laser focus when the gun goes off.
Currently my top motivators are to
qualify for the 5150 series finale in September and for the 70.3 World
Championships in October.
Do you have a motto or mantra that helps push you through triathlons or training?
Recently, my stolen motto has been
"Let's get into it", something Bear Grylls from Man v. Wild used to
say every time he was about to embark on a crazy adventure. I guess before
that and still today, my motto is "to give anything less than your best is
to sacrifice the gift". Pre's quote.
During a race though, if say I had a
not-so-great swim or a not-so-great bike, instead of throwing in the towel and
giving up like a wimp, I say to myself, “what can I do right now, to turn this
race around?” You’d be surprised what you can do with a quick attitude
adjustment. I’ve turned numerous crappy days into top-10 and even top-5
What advice would you give to the competing age grouper who wants to join the pro ranks?
Jumping up a level is definitely a big
transition and its important to embrace the humbling experience of getting your
a$$ handed to you in your first couple of races! At the same time though, it’s
motivating in and of itself and before you know it you'll be dishing out the
beat downs! Stay hungry and enjoy it all because it’s a unique experience!