If you recall the last time I blogged about my 4-workout day, it was a new thing on my schedule and I figured it would be something I’d revisit every once in a while. Apparently, my coach had other ideas…
In my schedule, a 4-workout day being unusual is now a thing of the past. Instead, it is something that I frequent 2, 3, even 4 times a week! The good thing though (if there is anything good that comes out of a schedule consisting of multiple 4-workout days per week) is that in the sport of triathlon, there are myriads of options as far as training is concerned. When I used to run at UCLA, often times, our training weeks consisted of running, running, and more running. Occasionally we would throw in some speed work on the track, but for the most part the training was predominantly focused on logging mileage. In triathlon training, as I’m sure you fellow triathletes will agree, you have the opportunity to mix it up as little or as much as you like.
Today’s workout consisted of 2 swims (yes I’m still in gill-growing mode), a 60 minute weight lifting session, and a 7-mile quasi-tempo run on my secret weapon the anti-gravity treadmill, also known as the g-trainer. By the way, I swear I had intended to document my workout on the g-trainer for all of you but completely spaced and forgot my camera at home! I’m back on the g-trainer on Friday and will happily report to you all, I promise.
The swimming went well, no major hiccups, except of course the hundreds of yards of butterfly thrown right into the middle of the workouts! Immediately following my swim, I headed for my lift session on campus at UCLA. Pretty straight forward, it consisted of a combination of injury prevention exercises, lower body, upper body, and core. The core being the longest portion of my lift session, completely kicked my butt, but as in any sport, the key to success is a strong mid-section!
After my lift session, I got a quick bite to eat and headed off to my g-trainer session at Evolution Physical Therapy in Playa Vista. I first have to say I love that machine! 40 minutes, 7 miles, 85-90% my bodyweight, and most of all, feeling great! I don’t want to dive into too much detail about this special contraption, because I want to save the good stuff for Friday! But I will say it is something that will be a part of my weekly training regimen indefinitely!
Check back Friday for a full write-up, pictures, and video! Thanks!
Talk soon.
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